What's new in UnitiBase?

This page summarises the new additions and features we have added to UnitiBase. These have often been guided and inspired by feedback from users.

April 2016

Confirmation of changes by members

UnitiBase can be configured by each client to send notifications to staff and/or confirmation e-mails to members when members change their details. This allows changes to be reviewed to ensure that they have been saved correctly. Thanks to Plumbers Union Queensland and NT for suggesting this.

Major upgrade to company campaign (EBA) module

The addition of new features to the company campaign module. This is currently being used to manage EBA campaigns in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

  • A new 'Prospects' layer has been introduced to allow prospective companies to be selected, viewed and managed before their first engagement with the campaign. In an EBA campaign, for example, companies may be flagged as prospects before the first notices or forms are sent. As soon as they start the campaign they are hidden from the Prospects list. This means that campaign reports remain relevant and not clogged with a large number of companies that may not even start the process.
  • Reminder functionality for any campaign action or milestone. Clients can set a maximum number of days for each stage in the campaign. If that number of days is exceeded then UnitiBase sends a reminder to the staff member(s) responsible. This will help maintain campaign momentum and avoid companies 'falling through the cracks' of a busy campaign process.
  • New filtering fields allow users to focus in on particular company types and particular stages in the process.
  • Campaign progress reports can now be exported to CSV.
  • Campaign documents, where appropriate, can be linked to a record and stored 'in the cloud'.
  • New fields to record how documents were distributed in addition to when they were distributed. This meets latest FWC requirements in relation to some documents.

Thanks to both PTEU Victoria and Plumbers Union Queensland and NT for their input and guidance on these upgrades.

March 2016

Demonstration of beta version of iOS app for union organisers

March saw the development of the beta version of the new iOS app for union organisers. We demonstrated the app to organisers at PTEU in Melbourne and received encouraging feedback.